Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Quick Chemo Update

Well, this may well be premature, and I may regret sending this soon, but… so far the only side effects I’ve experienced from the chemo are “chemo hiccups”.  The one article I read on the web said those are a not uncommon side effect of one of the anti-nausea drugs.  The nice thing is that it also said that “people who suffer from chemo hiccups are much less likely to suffer from nausea and vomiting”, so I’m optimistic.  J
I’ll also give you a bit of an update of the chemo treatment itself.  The appointment was at 2:15, and started with some cleaning of the port – removing bandages, etc.  That wasn’t particularly fun, since the port still causes me pain and this was a bit rough.  However, it was bearable.  The thing that took me a bit by surprise was when the needle went into the port.  That was excruciating!  Sue gave me her hand to squeeze and I had to control myself not to break it!  I felt cold sweat all over my body and nearly climbed the wall!  They said the first time was worst, and I certainly hope that’s true.  They also mentioned some cream to apply for next time that might help.
After the pain from the jab subsided, which took maybe 5-10 minutes, the rest was very uneventful.  I sat there for about three hours letting the fluid drain into my system.  Pastor Jim dropped by and I had a nice visit with him.  Next time I may bring my laptop as well, since I could probably get a bit of work done if I were so inclined.
They sent me home with a bag attached the port (hanging on my belt) with more drugs that drain into my system for the following two days (it gets detached Wednesday afternoon).  I don’t notice it much, really – it’s not that big of an inconvenience.
For a less-than-flattering picture, feel free to take a look at  Next time I’ll wear a button-up shirt!
That’s about all for now.

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