Monday, April 16, 2018

Wow! What A Birthday!

Not only did I make it to 57, but it was a memorable birthday as well.  I cashed in some air miles, booked a very cheap hotel room, and spent a bunch of money on some hockey tickets!  Yes, Brodie and I continued our conquest and went to see the Las Vegas Knights play their very first ever play-off game.  And what a game it was!  It was a great, back-and-forth contest, with some great scoring chances, great hits, and spectacular goal tending.  I know a final score of 1-0 sounds like it might be a boring game, but it was anything but!  Also, I think we may have encountered the loudest crowd in the league.  Nashville was loud, but I’m pretty sure Vegas was louder.  Here are a few more random observations:
  • Absolutely over-the-top opening, with different knights representing different teams, the LA knight got caught in the center-ice circle with cool graphics on the ice, and then the Golden Knight came in and proceeded to annihilate the LA knight.  Lowering of the helmet was very dramatic.  (video entitled "Opening act")
  • The crowd was rowdy and very much into the game
  • They loudly counted down the seconds to the end of a penalty (when short-handed)
  • Favorite chant:  “Beat L.A.”
  • Generally the fans knew the game, but there was frequently a lack of knowledge evident as well  In fact, a lady behind us knew “shoot the puck” was a good, acceptable cheer, but didn’t exactly know when it was appropriate.  One time Drew Doughty (an LA player, for you non-fans) was skating the puck out of the LA zone and she was shouting “shoot the puck”.  Brodie and I had a pleasant chuckle.
  • Cheerleaders and drummers wandering around the complex before the game, and on a special platform during the game.
  • Nothing much between periods, but lots of great, professional video productions
  • Blue Man Group made some minor appearances
  • A couple of mentions of Humboldt
  • Fans that get on the big screen go crazy
  • StubHub worked for us this time (we didn’t get kicked out of our seats), but their fees felt like highway robbery
The next day we made a trip to the Hoover Dam and then we went to see the Blue Man Group’s show.  We topped off the evening with some nachos and dessert at the Hard Rock Café.  Yes, it was a short trip, but very sweet.

More pictures and videos of our adventure ae available here:

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, my next CT scan is May 18.  I won’t get the results for a week or so after that, which is when I’ll send out my next update.

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