Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Ponder anew what the Almighty can do

Yes, today I was reminded of a hymn that starts out “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!  O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation!”
As you may recall, it’s around the time of my four month checkup.  I think both Sue and I were a bit more nervous than we’d been in a while, since it was the first four-month window since this whole ordeal began.  When the oncologist’s nurse skipped the weigh-in I joked they were leaving that for the coroner.  But the oncologist wasted no time in informing me that the PET scan was clear and that there were no signs of cancer.  The thing that had lit up in my throat in the last scan showed nothing this time.  So, for the best news since we began this journey:  the next scan will be in SIX months!  I’ve been “cancer free” for a year, and the oncologist felt comfortable stretching it out.
It's really an interesting thing, this cancer fight.  It can be hard balancing the potential for an early exit and the potential for a lengthy earthly future, never really knowing what’s in store.  I can’t help but think, though, that’s how Christ would have us live:  like any day could usher in His return, but that we may have years left.  For now, it seems, I can make at least some plans six months in advance.  😊


Unknown said...

Brad, thanks for sharing your journey!

Unknown said...

Brad, thanks for sharing your journey!

Unknown said...

Brad, thanks for sharing your journey!