Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Not much to report

So, whereas it’s been two weeks since my last update, I don’t feel like I have much to report. Chemo continues (I had another session today), but I reported most of my news on that front in my last update.  The good news is that my last treatment may have been my easiest one yet.  Yes, there was a bit of fatigue, but much less than the ones before my last surgery (and no hiccups!).  I think the tingling in my fingers is getting a little worse, but not really much.  The doctor feels we should press on.  And, after today’s visit, only *2 left*!

Other than that, the last two weeks have been relatively uneventful.  I’m managing to work, though I’m getting in less than half the hours I’m used to.  However, there’s a break in Brodie’s hockey now, so I’m optimistic that may go up a bit.  Speaking of Brodie’s hockey, unfortunately his season ended on a bit of a sad note – he didn’t make the Alberta Cup team, but he seems to be handling it better than we’d expected.

I re-read the book of Job last week, and I’m hoping this doesn’t come across as clichéd, but… I’d like to echo Job:  “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:21 NIV)  Of course, that may sound a bit more negative than I mean to come across.  After all, another piece of good news is that my moods/emotional state are slowly improving!  “Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (KJV)  Also, God continues to provide in ways that surprise us and keep us praising Him.

Hey – I’d love to hear from you as well.  I may not respond quickly (as I mentioned last time, I’m behind in my email responses), but I do enjoy hearing from friends/family. :-)

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